
Women’s Health

Are ice baths right for everyone? Learn the science behind ice baths, their effect on female hormones, and if this practice is right for you.

Women's Health

Ice Baths and Female Hormones: Is It Right for You?

Ice Baths and Female Hormones

With the proper vitamin regimen, period cramps can be a thing of the past. Vitamin supplementation can be an effective alternative solution to period cramps, especially when paired with a hormone supportive diet and lifestyle. Read on to learn hormone specialist and Registered Dietitian, Lauren Papanos’ top 5 vitamins for period cramps.

Women's Health

Our Top 5 Vitamins for Alleviating Period Cramps

Top 5 Vitamins for Period Cramps

Retrieving and freezing eggs has become increasingly common.  There are a number of reasons an individual may consider egg retrieval, freezing, and/or IVF procedures including everything from personal health factors to focusing on their career. Some companies even offer to cover the service for employees as an incentive or benefit. While this procedure and practice […]

Women's Health

Nutrition Recommendations for Freezing Eggs

Nutrition to Improve Egg Freezing

Why Hypothyroidism Causes Acne & What to do About it by Registered Dietitian and Thyroid Specialist, Lauren Papanos | 17 Oct 2023   Acne breakouts and hypothyroidism – could there be a link between pesty breakouts and your thyroid function? Let’s discuss how the thyroid impacts your skin health and what you can do to […]

Women's Health

Why Hypothyroidism Causes Acne & What to do About it

Does hypothyroidism cause acne?

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