PCOS Q&A!! What are signs of PCOS, learning how to NOT get misdiagnosed for PCOS and the difference of Amenorrhea plus breaking down all the important scientific hormone names and their role in your body. I also share why I think HIIT workouts are not the best for PCOS.
I think it’s so important for everyone to find for themselves because you shouldn’t be married to the gym. You shouldn’t feel like you on vacation. You’re going to gain 10 pounds by not exercising for a few days, or that you have to have the two hour time limit on your workouts. Like all of that, that’s not true. You don’t meet any of that. You just need the minimum dose that is the most effective for your goals. And once you find that it will become so much easier for you to accept your body, accept where you are and also support your hormones and your hormones. We’ll work with you. And you’re not running an uphill battle. That’s all that I have for you ladies today. And I hope that you have a great day as always remember to get any questions.
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