Explore what toxins may be hiding within your everyday products. Avery Morales walks us through clean living and endocrine disruptors. Avery is a clean living /”nontoxic” product consultant living in Los Angeles, CA. She helps to curate product swaps that work with clients and their lifestyles, without harmful ingredients. Her practice covers all areas including beauty, personal care products, home, and lifestyle. In this episode, clean living and endocrine disruptors, we talk about how chemicals affect your hormones, how to begin making changes, and resources you can use to cross-reference products and chemicals. Get ready to listen up as Avery does a LOT of name-dropping on some common clean brands besides just the ones at Whole Foods.
- Why are endocrine disruptors a problem?
- Where are endocrine-disrupting chemicals found
- How do these impact maternal and child health?
- Healthier swaps in home, beauty and the kitchen
Important show links 👇👇👇
- Book a clean living consultation with Avery at cleanlivingbyavery.com and follow on Instagram
- Your guide to safer personal care products
- Follow me on Instagram for more hormone healing content @nutritionwithlo
- Learn about the Strength in Hormones Method by Lauren Papanos
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