A Guide to Understanding Your Thyroid Labs
Have you ever been convinced you have a thyroid problem only to go to the doctor to get your thyroid tested and everything come back normal? You’re not alone, this is very common, let’s talk about it!
Standard thyroid screening tests for a hormone in your brain called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). The range for TSH goes as high as 4.5 but research shows that individuals with a TSH >2.0 have an increased risk of hypothyroidism. That’s why we always look at labs alongside symptoms and with a fine tooth comb, assessing for optimal ranges, not just reference ranges. When understanding if there could be a thyroid problem at play and how to reverse it, we look at thyroid hormones, thyroid antibodies and even things like genetics and gut function.
Inside this episode I walk you through optimal reference ranges for all of these tests plus the tests you need that go beyond a standard TSH blood test. Healing and reversing thyroid problems is possible, listen to this episode to find out where to start!
A few things we chat about in this episode 👇👇👇
- The history of thyroid hormone testing and its limitations
- What is TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone?
- How to understand what T4, T3, Reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies mean about your thyroid function
- How genetics can influence thyroid symptoms but not thyroid hormone testing results
- The link between what you eat and thyroid hormone levels.
- How hypothyroidism can cause blood sugar problems.
- The influence of hormones like cortisol and hunger hormones on thyroid hormone function
- How to advocate for yourself to get the testing you need
Important show links 👇👇👇
- Get your hormones tested – learn more about our hormone testing packages
- Follow me on Instagram
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