Thyroid Supplements: Essential Minerals to Boost Thyroid Function
Thyroid supplements work on a cellular level to support optimal brain-to-thyroid communication, thyroid hormone production, and thyroid hormone conversion. Each of these processes is vitally important for overall health, and all strongly depend on minerals.
Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine or hormonal condition where the thyroid doesn’t make sufficient thyroid hormones. Standard hypothyroidism in labs presents as an elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and low free T4 and free T3 hormone levels.
The thyroid gland is our hormone MVP. Thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland play a key role in regulating metabolism, the process by which our bodies turn energy from food into chemical energy that we can use for every single chemical reaction that takes place in the body!
This energy conversion process happens in our mitochondria. And it quite literally affects every cell in our body, impacting our digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, muscle function, brain development, bone health, and regulation of other sex hormones. Minerals serve as cofactors, or enzyme activators, allowing these reactions to effectively take place. Minerals are also required to activate thyroid hormone, a critical step at the top of this entire hormone cascade.
The Role of Minerals for Thyroid Function
Minerals serve as the building blocks of thyroid hormones. T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone that is produced by the thyroid gland, is made up of primarily iodine and the amino acid tyrosine. T3, the active form of thyroid hormone, is formed from T4. This conversion or activation from T4 to T3 takes place primarily in the liver and requires additional minerals, namely selenium and zinc.
Our bodies are very good at maintaining balance, or homeostasis, according to the resources that we provide it. The thyroid gland is no exception. If we don’t provide it with the proper macronutrients (especially protein and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), it will maintain homeostasis by downregulating its function. On the other hand, we also want to avoid excess levels of any particular input, as this can also impair thyroid function.
You can see how lacking the appropriate dietary inputs and having inadequate mineral levels can lead to a decrease in thyroid gland efficiency and hormone production. Not only that, but the downstream effects of diminished thyroid function we know have serious impacts on so many body systems.
Best Supplements for Thyroid Health
While we want to ensure we are consuming a mineral-rich diet with a variety of plant and animal-based whole food sources, supplementing with thyroid-supportive minerals can be a necessary step for many individuals. Let’s go through some key minerals that are important aspects of any thyroid supplement!
- Iodine – Thyroid hormones are made from iodine. Iodine is a mineral found in seafood and sea vegetables like kelp. However, iodine is like goldilocks in that we want just the right amount, as too much iodine can be equally as problematic for the thyroid as too little. Research shows that both deficiency and excess of the mineral, iodine can cause hypothyroidism.
- Magnesium – Magnesium is a mineral found in nuts, seeds, grains, and leafy green vegetables. It helps in the balance and production of thyroid hormones, and the need for magnesium has been shown to increase in a hypothyroid state. Low levels of magnesium have been shown to be associated with abnormal thyroid function. Magnesium also helps with the uptake of iodine needed for thyroid hormone production and also the conversion of T4 to T3.
- Zinc – Zinc is a mineral found primarily in seeds, shellfish, and other animal proteins. It is involved specifically in the production of thyroid hormones. It supports our thyroid by regulating something called deiodinases enzymes, thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) production. Deiodinase enzymes are enzymes made from selenium that are used for the production of the active form of thyroid hormone, T3.
- Selenium – Selenium is another mineral that works synergistically with iodine. Selenium is an antioxidant that helps remove free radicals that can drive hypothyroidism. It also helps us convert inactive thyroid hormones (T4) to active thyroid hormones (T3). It is found in Brazil nuts and meats.
- Potassium – Potassium is an important mineral for balancing blood pressure. Thyroid conditions, both hyper- and hypothyroidism, can lead to elevated blood pressure, or hypertension. This elevation can be managed and offset by consuming sufficient levels of potassium, found in avocados, root vegetables, and leafy greens.
There are additional minerals that we do not need very much of, but are important to enable vital chemical reactions to take place in the body. These include copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and boron.
We know that in times of stress, such as physiologic stress, sleep deprivation, and even exercise, micronutrients can be depleted. This happens because the body works very hard to maintain homeostasis, and in doing so uses up significant amounts of minerals. Because of this, when choosing thyroid supplements, we want to opt for a combination of all of these important minerals.
Time to Replenish
We are thrilled to introduce you to our very own thyroid mineral complex, Mineral Magic! Mineral Magic is loaded with powerful thyroid-supportive minerals that help promote optimal thyroid function and overall hormone health! It’s perfect for those looking to maintain their mineral status, as well as those who need to support mineral replenishment. This formula is iron-free, and minerals are in their chelated form for optimal absorption.
If you’re unsure if your thyroid function is functioning sub-optimally, be sure to check out our Complete Thyroid Hormone Testing Package!
Written by Romana Brennan, MS, RD
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