Nurturing Our Feminine Spirit with Camille

A little something wild for this episode, as Camille Willemain shares about the wild within every woman as we embody the feminine spirit. Being part of the Whole Woman cohort of the Earth Daughters community – I can 100% share it has been an absolutely life-changing experience for me. I’ve come to find parallel connections between working with the divine feminine spirit within and root cause hormone healing. Tune in to learn what nurturing our feminine spirit means.

Camille is the founder of Earth Daughters,  a free women’s community of sacred sisterhood reclaiming all parts of the divine feminine as holy, to reawaken to the ecstasy of life, and to re-member the divine role as channels uniting Heaven and Earth. When a woman remembers who she really is and why she really came here, she awakens out of her karma and she begins to live as her soul. When women remember the truth of our nature and reclaim all that we are as sacred and whole, our world returns to love. Earth Daughters creates a sacred space for women to reconnect with the source of their feminine power.
A few things we chat about 👇👇👇
  • What is the wild within every woman
  • How to claim the divine feminine
  • The mythological archetypes of the feminine spirit
  • The power of vulnerability in root cause hormone healing

Important show links 👇👇👇

    • Join thousands of women in the sacred sisterhood and receive free resources for divine feminine embodiment
    • For your wild woman inspiration, follow @earthdaughters on Instagram 
    • Learn about our hormone programs


Embodying the Feminine Spirit with Camille


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