Sarah Gordon is a Registered Dietitian specializing in supporting clients with disordered eating, those struggling with chronic dieting and those dealing with gut imbalances or digestive concerns. In this episode Sarah breaks down the function of the digestive system and the connection of hormones and gut!
So when you diet, automatically, your in turn slowing down your metabolism, right? Your metabolism slows down. Maybe even your thyroid gets impacted, but so many years of yo-yo dieting restricting bingeing takes a toll on your metabolism on obviously your stress, your hormones, and because the gut is so interconnected with everything, it affects our digestion. And when you are restricting or you’re bingeing, you’re not leaving enough time to digest. You know, this can allow bacteria to overgrow. There’s so many facets to go into it. But when you feed yourself consistently, you nourish your body and you let your body do what it’s meant to do.
It will serve you in that purpose. So that was kind of my story. It was mostly just chronic restrictions. My body was under immense stress and then a lot of it on the bingeing side, you know, binging for countless hours of the night, doesn’t allow that and then see migrating motor complex to come in and do its job. And if you imagine years of this happening, how much buildup is taking place and et cetera. So that was kind of my experience with dieting and restricting and how it impacted my digestion. But I see all sorts of cases, women, you know, chronic dieting coming to me and everyone can be impacted in different ways. And that’s, what’s so interesting about the gut and gut health alone is that all my clients that I’m working on gut health with, they all present with a completely different picture, which, you know, I’m sure your story was similar yet different, same with mine, same with theirs, but that’s why the gut intrigues me so much. It’s because it is connected to everything.
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