Practical applications you can do at home to heal your gut and balance your hormones. I take the science Sarah Gordon provided in previous episode and translate them into practical self healing practices. I also breakdown common test you may be presented with and discuss which ones are best for you, how an elimination diet can also be beneficial if you can’t afford testing right away plus much more!
For some people just simply working together on improving the quality of their diet, improving their lifestyle can really go. It can change things quite, quite dramatically, but that’s not the case for everyone. So, you know, when someone maybe comes in, they’re eating fast food, often they’re drinking a lot of alcohol. They’re doing a lot of inflammatory things to their gut. And then we put them on a low inflammation diet. They’re taking out processed foods. They’re not eating a lot of grains. They’re not eating a lot of dairy sources. Alcohol is being limited. They’re exercising and getting some blood flow going within their body.
All of those, we see the gut symptoms typically resolve, but sometimes that’s not enough. Sometimes there are still symptoms. And so the next place that I start is I asked someone, what are you noticing these symptoms happen? And sometimes people don’t know, and that’s where keeping a food journal like Sarah mentioned is super helpful because you can start to get insight into, okay. I’m noticing that whenever I eat a juice or I noticed when I’m writing a large salad, that that’s where I’m having the bloating happen more often than not. Or some people it’s whenever they aren’t eating, but they’re noticing that the bloating is happening even more dramatically. So I typically like you to start gaining insight into this, start drawing your awareness to what could be causing these symptoms to happen most of the time, what triggers it are, plant foods.
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