Your Guide to Navigating Endocrine Disruptors and Clean Beauty That Actually Works

Your Guide to Navigating Endocrine Disruptors and Clean Beauty That Actually Works

You may have heard the term endocrine disruptors and know that they’re lurking in many of the common household, beauty products and foods. The question is- where does one start? Is it really that important and which ones are worse than others? How do we reduce endocrine disruptor exposure and live a “non-toxic life” without driving ourselves crazy about every little exposure. I’ve brought on the expert, Avery Morales to shed light on this subject and gracefully guide you through how to navigate endocrine disruptors. We talk about the importance, especially around conception, and when and how to get started. This episode is a follow up to our first episode on Clean Living and Endocrine Disruptors.

A few things we chat about in this episode 👇👇👇

  • Recent regulatory changes in this space
  • How endocrine disruptors affect the body and the different types of EDC’s
  • Greenwashing and its prevalence in the beauty space
  • PFA’s and the right type of water filtration and cookware
  • What we should we look for in sunscreen
  • Contamination issues in food
  • Thoughts on essential oils functioning as an endocrine disruptor and if they’re safer than synthetic fragrance
  • How to support detoxification if and when exposed
  • Resources for product guidance in this space

Important show links 👇👇👇



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