Unlocking the Benefits of Inositol for Hashimoto’s
You may have heard of inositol as an effective supplement to help regulate blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Maybe you’ve heard it’s touted benefits for mood disorders and depression. But are you familiar with the other benefits of inositol, and how it may be a critical addition to your Hashimoto’s treatment plan?
Today we are diving into the ins and outs of how inositol, myo-inositol in particular, affects thyroid function and the benefits it can have for Hashimoto’s. Let’s go!
Hashimoto’s 101
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune thyroid disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys cells of the thyroid gland. In the United States, Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism, although it does not always result in hypothyroidism.
Hashimoto’s is diagnosed by testing thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies as well as thyroglobulin (TG) antibodies in the blood. Antibodies formed against these proteins affect thyroid cells’ ability to utilize nutrients and produce thyroid hormones. The constant attack on thyroid tissues from these antibodies in the long run can also cause fibrosis, or scarring of the thyroid gland.
Unfortunately, Hashimoto’s often goes undiagnosed for years, particularly if someone has subclinical hypothyroidism, or no hypothyroidism at all. The average age of diagnosis is between ages 30 and 50 for women, and women are significantly more likely to suffer from Hashimoto’s than men, by a ratio of 10:1.
Signs of Hashimoto’s can vary, but often include fatigue, low energy, depression and mood changes, muscle weakness or cramping, cold and dry skin, constipation, hair loss, brittle hair and nails, slow heartbeat (referred to as bradycardia), as well as mood changes or depression.
What Is Inositol?
Inositol is a type of sugar, although it is referred to by some as vitamin B8 for its role in supporting brain health and mood by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin.
Our bodies naturally form inositol from carbohydrates, and we can get inositol from foods such as fruits, beans, grains, and nuts. We can also supplement with inositol, with the main forms being myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol.
The Impact of Inositol on Thyroid Function and Hashimoto’s
The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) signaling pathway connecting the brain and thyroid is dependent on inositol for this communication to happen. By supplementing with myo-inositol in particular we increase the amount of inositol available to the cells. This improves thyroid cells’ sensitivity to TSH.
Myo-inositol has a powerful modulatory effect on the TSH levels, lowering TSH when it’s too high, and increasing TSH when it’s too low, especially when paired with selenium. This shows how myo-inositol can help restore thyroid function whether you are dealing with hyper- or hypothyroidism.
In addition to its effect on TSH levels, myo-inositol has also been shown to significantly decrease both TPO and TG antibodies, and increase free T3 and free T4 thyroid hormones in Hashimoto’s patients after just 6 months. Not only does this exhibit a positive impact on autoimmunity, but also on thyroid hormone production and conversion.
Specifically for those with Hashimoto’s, myo-inositol can be considered a “Jack of all trades,” by supporting immune dysregulation and the autoimmune response, brain health and mood regulation, as well as restoring thyroid function.
Other Benefits of Inositol
Myo-inositol has been shown to have a variety of beneficial health effects, especially it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer activity.
D-chiro-inositol plays an important role in insulin sensitivity, and therefore can be especially helpful for those with PCOS, for whom insulin resistance is often a key factor at play. There are also blends of myo- and D-chiro-inositol that can be beneficial for PCOS. High glucose levels have been shown to increase inositol breakdown, and inhibit innate inositol production and absorption. For this reason, supplementing with myo- and D-chiro-inositol while working to regulate blood sugar is key.
Inositol can also play an important role in preventing gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Studies have shown a significant association between thyroid antibodies (i.e. Hashimoto’s) and the risk of gestational diabetes. High TSH and thyroid antibodies in early pregnancy resulted in a 4-fold increase in the risk of developing gestational diabetes. One study found TPO antibodies in ~10-16% of all pregnant women tested, and in 80% of women screened specifically for gestational diabetes.
Inositol can be especially beneficial for individuals with Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism who are trying to conceive to support immune system regulation, thyroid function, and blood sugar regulation. In the case of Hashimoto’s, myo-inositol is the preferred form of inositol, for its ability to modulate the immune system, effectively lowering thyroid antibodies and regulating TSH.
Adding Myo-inositol to your Routine
Inositol is a powerful nutrient that can support blood sugar balance and insulin sensitivity, as well as brain health and mood disorders, with little to no side effects.
Myo-inositol especially has been shown to have profound effects on the thyroid, with tremendous benefits shown for those suffering from Hashimoto’s.
We recommend incorporating myo-inositol into your daily routine by using 1 scoop per day of our Hormone Potion myo-inositol powder with any meal! Our favorite way is to add it to a nutrient-packed smoothie loaded with Functional FuelPRO protein for even more blood sugar balancing benefits!
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