From Macros to Holistic Health with Eliza Gellman

I am so happy to have Eliza Gellman on the show to talk about moving from macros to eating for holistic health. In this episode she shares her story of being macros obsessed to healing her body with holistic health. As a Registered Dietitian, I believe macros can work for some people and I do use this approach for some. It can be helpful for a very short period of time to learn food portions and plate balancing. However, it’s important to me to first determine if this is the best way to help someone achieve their goal and if they can use macros in a way that is supportive and in no way detrimental to their health. If you are currently following a numbers focused macro eating plan and know that there could be a better way of nourishing your body – this episode is for you. We share why macro counting can be a slippery slope that can lead to disordered eating behaviors. Eliza shares her personal story with macro counting and how she moved to a place of nourishing her body holistically.
A few things we chat about in this episode 👇👇👇
  • What is macro counting
  • The psychological and physical effects of a number obsessed diet
  • How to build your trust muscle with moving away from macros
  • Why I recommend eating real ice cream vs. low calorie alternatives
  • How to prepare yourself for eating out and at social events

Important show links 👇👇👇

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