Exploring Endometriosis, Its Drivers and Natural Treatment Options
Endometriosis is a common women’s health condition, affecting roughly 11% of women ages 15 – 44. Unfortunately treatment options are limited and the time it takes to receive diagnosis is extensive which means many women suffer for several years before seeking relief. In this episode I interview endometriosis expert, Dr. Alexis Gonzales to discuss endometriosis, its drivers and the natural treatment options available. We discuss how functional medicine can be a life changing treatment approach for women and the many intricacies of treatment. We answer the question: is endometriosis a hormonal issue or an immune system imbalance and how chronic inflammation plays a role in this condition.
A few things we chat about in this episode 👇👇👇
- What is endometriosis and what are the diagnosis criteria
- Common allopathic treatment solutions for endometriosis and their success rates
- The hormonal imbalance profile we see with endometriosis
- The immune system’s involvement in endometriosis. Should endo be treated as an autoimmune disease?
- Supplements and herbs for pain management and how they work
- Recommended labs for endometriosis treatment via functional medicine
Important show links 👇👇👇
- Join the Inflammation Hormony Waitlist – doors open on Monday, August 5th
- Follow me on Instagram
- Learn more about Dr. Gonzales
- Rate the show! Please give us a 5 star rating in your podcast app
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