Your Guide to Sauna and The Healing Benefits of Heat Exposure

Your Guide to Sauna and The Healing Benefits of Heat Exposure

Sauna or heat exposure have long been one of my favorite tools for so many reasons. Not only are there amazing benefits to detoxification, mitochondrial and cardiovascular health but also to inflammation. Research shows that regular sauna use that mimix the heart benefits of moderate aerobic exercise with just 25 minutes of use per day. It has also been shown to lower the blood marker for assessing inflammation, c reactive protein or CRP. In this podcast episode I interview Phil Wilson of Relax Saunas to tell us about the many benefits of sauna and its traditional use that cultures have known about for centuries. Phil has been so generous to offer a giveaway of a free far infrared sauna lamp to one lucky listener of this episode. The giveaway can be entered over on my Instagram page. Just tag 2 friends accounts on my reel sharing about this podcast episode. The giveaway runs until July 2nd at 11:59 pm PST. A winner will be chosen from my account and announced on Instagram on Wednesday, July 3rd.

A few things we chat about in this episode 👇👇👇

  1. Cultural use and overall general health benefits of sauna or heat exposure
  2. How to use the sauna if you are dealing with a health challenge that makes you feel fatigued or sick after use
  3. Infrared sauna vs. traditional/dry sauna – which is best?
  4. Why does Far Infrared matter? 
  5. What are heat shock proteins and what are their benefits?
  6. What is the difference between the far infrared table lamp and a sauna?
  7. How sauna compares to red light therapy

Important show links 👇👇👇

  • Enter the Sauna Lamp giveaway on Instagram. Tag 2 friends on my recent reel about this episode. Giveaway closes July 2nd at 11:59 pm PST.
  • Rate the show! Please give us a 5 star rating in your podcast app



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