Episode 2c:Hormones and Gut Health-> You are not alone girlfriend! Questions you might have are answered in this episode. I answer all the questions you submitted via Instagram or my website about Hormones and Gut Health. I clarify common misconceptions, provide insight as to why testing such as the GI map is crucial in healing the root cause and much more!
what most people don’t know is that constipation is actually defined as less than one bowel movement per day. So if you’re only going to the bathroom one time per day, lot of times people will say, oh yeah, I go, often I go daily and I ask how much, and they say once, and I say, well, technically that’s still constipation.
So you might have constipation and not know you do. And that’s a reason to determine why you have the constipation, right? There’s always a root cause whenever there’s imbalance and dysfunction within the body. So that’s the first step is we have to identify what is the cause of the constipation? Is there a gut infection that would be very common if there was other GI symptoms that you were having? Is there a small intestinal, bacterial overgrowth? That’s extremely common, especially when there is hormonal dysfunction. Those two go hand in hand. We’ll talk about that a little bit further in a second. Is there, gastro-paresis where there slowed motility. That’s also an extremely common component where you’re just not emptying your, your bowels as often as you should be.
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